Sum of Gold

Look from the heights to the ocean below

Wonder how much longer the story will go

But no one will ever know

He holds the knife up to his wrist

Slowly watching his blood drip

Down into the ocean waves

He waits for the sharks to come

He waits to make the final jump

As he looks beyond the edge of the cliff,

I come and wrap my arms around him

I tell him “I will never let you go

Cause you’re more precious than any sum of gold”

Smell the powder in the air

Watch the wind pull at her hair

But could anyone really care?

Colt pressed up into her ear

Muffled the gun so no one will hear

But someone’s bound to smell her fear

Eyes closed and muscles taut,

There’s a beacon in her past that she forgot

And as she goes to ease her worldly pains

I come and take them all away

I tell her “I will never let you go

Cause you’re more precious than any sum of gold”

They wish that they could wake up never again

They wish that everything could suddenly end

Wish that I could just dispose of all their misery

If only I weren’t the only one to ever see

That everyday it is the same

Everyday is filled with pain

Look around you, can’t you hear the 

Sound of children drowning in doubt?

Bleeding nation let go of your    

Reputation, choose love not hate

They wish they would not wake again

They wish everything would just end

He’s worth more than any sum, she’s worth more than any sum

Of gold, of gold