
They say that if you wait

Along comes something great

But they neglect to say

How straining is the wait

Just gotta hold on, keep on pushing through

Another day, another night, I can do

I won’t pretend to know what I’m doing right now

Cause who am I kidding to think I’ve got this all figured out

I’ll put on the the blindfold, take a deep breath and take another leap

So here goes one more ‘gain

Wonder how this one will end

Just like I’m pressing “send”

Could this fin’lly be a win?

Rinse, repeat, hope for a better day

Something’s gonna stick I’m sure, yes way

I won’t pretend to know what I’m doing right now

Cause who am I kidding to think I’ve got this all figured out

I’ll put on the the blindfold, take a deep breath and take another leap

Always wond’ring; what’s next for me; waiting for the day when that won’t be

Wait for “some day”; it will come, yes way; we are prob’ly in the final stage

We won’t pretend; but we’ll try again; we will not allow ourselves to break

Drop the pretense; but we’ll try again; we won’t allow ourselves to break

I won’t pretend to know what I’m doing right now

Cause who am I kidding to think I’ve got this all figured out

I’ll put on the the blindfold, take a deep breath and

I won’t pretend to know what I’m doing right now

Cause who am I kidding to think I’ve got this all figured out

I’ll put on the the blindfold, take a deep breath and 

take another, take another, I’ll take another leap